Saturday, January 10, 2015

Suggestions for Narragansett Brewing Company's Line of H.P. Lovecraft Beer

According to a recent story in Boston Magazine, the Narragansett Brewing Company in Rhode Island is  coming out with a series of beers memorializing H. P. Lovecraft. From the story:
Narragansett will release their new Lovecraft Honey Ale on January 19, the birthday of Lovecraft’s biggest literary influence, Edgar Allan Poe. The collaboration with Revival Brewing, another Rhode Island product, will be the first “chapter” in a four-part series of beers celebrating Providence’s most famous native son.
Not being a big fan of hoppy beer, Cthulhu is skeptical of this first offering, but is nevertheless excited about the new product line in general. Eager for a nice porter or cream stout, some Lovecraft aficionados of my acquaintance came up with these other suggestions for the remaining beers in Narragansett's promising new line. What do you say, NBC?
Unspeakable Oathmeal Stout (gibbous in color, unnamable in taste)
The Black Book Porter
Mi-Go Space Mead
Impossible Geometry IPA
Yellow Sign Weissbier
Mountains of Madness Ice Beer
Miskatonic Blueberry Ale
Eldritch Ichor Dunkelweiss
The magazine says that the next beer in the Lovecraft series will be an Innsmouth old ale. Hopefully it will not taste too much like Atlantic codfish. 


  1. I can't believe that "Barnes Street Barley Beer" hasn't yet been nominated. I still get the oddest (and unnameable) chilled sensation whilst sojourning down Barnes Street in Providence...

  2. Also, Happy Birthday Cthulhu! I hope you got to enjoy some delicious birthday cakes down in your Antarctic lair.

  3. Why, thank you very much, Lord John! I wasn't able to get any cake down here, unfortunately, but I did get some delicious homemade cookies: oatmeal chocolate chip and lime cornmeal lime. Both delicious, especially paired with a big pint glass of Barnes Street Barley.
