Friday, January 2, 2015

Iconic Novels of Sword and Sorcery: A Comparison Study

George R.R. Martin's Locus-winning novel A Game of Thrones is often compared to T.H. White's tale of King Arthur, The Once and Future King. But a quick study of the facts shows us another classic novel of high fantasy to which it also owes a great deal.

The Lord of the Rings
The Once and Future King A Game of Thrones
Author J.R.R. Tolkien T.H. White George R.R. Martin
Plot summary Young man destroys a token of power, unifies the countryside Young man pulls sword out of a stone, unifies the countryside Rival clans vie for power, attempt to unify the countryside
Year(s) published 1954, 1955 1958 1996
Award(s) won International Fantasy Award; Prometheus Hall of Fame Award
Locus Award; Ignotus Award
More than one initial used in author’s name Yes Yes Yes
Author has/had a beard
Yes Yes
Book adapted for film or television Yes Yes Yes
Map at front of book Yes         
Kings Yes Yes Yes
Queens Yes Yes Yes
Knights Yes Yes Yes
Ghostly/undead kings and/or knights Yes
Queens having illicit love affairs with knights of the king
Yes Yes
Dwarves Yes
Wizards and/or witches Yes Yes Yes
Sword-fighting women Yes
Bastard sons
Yes Yes
Rough horse-riding tribes of warriors Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Spooky forests inhabited by mythical beasts Yes Yes Yes
Important swords broken and then repaired Yes          Yes Yes
Daggers named after a pointy object given to short people as a first sword Yes
Rotund, peace-loving characters named Sam used as loyal friend of main character Yes
Good people dying horribly Yes Yes Yes

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